Whilst clearing the Csato Atelier, after the death of my Aunt in 1996, I found some short stories which Georges had obviously written, probably in the early fifties, together with a preface by Diana. These were about his very personal Holocaust experiences, as a Hungarian Jew, during the Second World War. So moving were these stories that I felt compelled to publish them in a small book together with some of his pencil drawings. These Georges had executed on 'Red Cross' tissue paper whilst recuperating in their Budapest sanatorium during 1945. Of the eleven short stories in the book, please do take time to read the preface and then story six, 'The Apple' reproduced here.
The books ' Preface,' was written by Diana and will give the personal and historic background to Georges' life during the period 1940 – 1947.
Story 6: “The Apple” is available to read by clicking the link opposite.
Front cover
Book Preface - By Diana Nadin
"The Apple" - Story 6
The book may be purchased, only online, at a Special Price of £3.99 plus £1.00 post and packing. Please see Contact page for details
By Georges Csato
This Reminds Me